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To Tattoo Today
Jim Nettleton
Body art is as old as human history. Ancient peoples decorated their bodies for a variety of reasons ranging from religious to just plain vanity.
We know for certain that the practice is at least 5,000 years old, due to evidence found in several countries that show the art of tattooing flourished as far back as 3,000 BC. After being relegated to a small segment of society for many years, this millennia old tradition has been making a rapid comeback in recent times.
Youve no doubt noticed the growing number of people, especially young people, who are sporting all manner of sometimes clever and sometimes outlandish tattoos over large portions of their bodies.
It is true that tattooing today is safer than ever before if you select a reputable, experienced source. But while expressing yourself through this medium can be satisfying, one must also understand the downsides.
First and foremost is that the decorations, messages, statements, etc., are fairly permanent. I say fairly, because many doctors say that a high removal rate is possible through the use of modern lasers, but that is still not a foolproof technique. It is expensive and sometimes painful and can require multiple visits even in the case of a relatively small tattoo.
Second are the health considerations. A good operation will be highly sterile and will use biohazard containers to properly dispose of utensils that could cause contamination if used on multiple patients. For all these reasons, great care needs to be taken in your choice of a practitioner and extensive thought should be given to your choice of decorative or other types of tattoos before committing yourself.
Make sure you visit several studios before making up your mind on a practitioner. Carefully look over samples of their work and talk to them about methods, sterile conditions and the like.
All of these highly important points and more are thoroughly covered in my completely free report, which you can obtain by visiting the link in the resources box below.
Whatever you decide, take your time arriving at that decision. Your tattoo is going to be with you a long time and you dont want to rush into something youll regret later.
One more thing; make sure you are not sick before heading for the parlor. You need a full quota of white blood cells to aid in healing. A check with your doctor is also advisable so he can let you know if youre likely to suffer and kind of allergic reaction to the process.
Having said all that, good luck with your future art. Check the free report to find out more, and happy tattoing!
About the author:Jim Nettleton is a radio and TV professional with wide-ranging interests. You can get his totally free, informative report, TATOO! here: http://www.jaynetinc.com/Tattoo
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To Tattoo Today}